niedziela, 9 grudnia 2012
school address
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 84
im. Tadeusza Kościuszki
ul. Św. Szczepana 3
61-465 Poznań
Poland – Polska
school 84
im. Tadeusza Kościuszki
ul. Św. Szczepana 3
61-465 Poznań
Poland – Polska
school 84
Welcome and greet teachers, pupils and parents from partner schools ... :)
Witamy i pozdrawiamy nauczycieli, uczniów i rodziców ze szkół partnerskich... :)
Primary School No. 84 - Poznań – Poland
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 84 im. Tadeusza Kościuszki – Poznań - Polska
Witamy i pozdrawiamy nauczycieli, uczniów i rodziców ze szkół partnerskich... :)
Primary School No. 84 - Poznań – Poland
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 84 im. Tadeusza Kościuszki – Poznań - Polska
description of the project
Zarejestrowano 02.09.2012
Little Light Bulb is an energy saving bulb disobedient, who, after going through a mishap in the Forest Wind, began to ask questions about energy. His friend, Sunshine, responds to those questions in a walk through the World of Energy. This opportunity will be valued by students in order to aware their colleagues, parents and community of the importance of energy saving.The idea is creating something lasting, which can permanently be improved and can be used in the future. The energy consumption is the problem of the contemporary society, the education for its rational use being necessary at a young age.
geografia, informatyka/ICT, język i literatura, matematyka/geometria, obywatelstwo, ochrona środowiska, przedmioty w szkole podstawowej, sztuka, teatr
EN - RO - TR
Wiek ucznia:
9 - 12
Proponowane narzędzia:
Audiokonferencja, Dziennik projektu, e-mail , Inne programy (Powerpoint, wideo, zdjęcia i obrazy) , Publikowanie stron www , TwinSpace, Wideokonferencja
Awareness of students, parents and teachers in the energy efficiency Creating an educational software about energy Application of theoretical knowledge about energy Generating solutions for energy efficiency Formulating a concrete plan to reduce energy consumption
Postęp działań:
Creating the logo and the mascot, project presentation to the teachers, students and parents, sharing created badges and the mascot, achieving the wikis sections, mascot -voice contest, guest, drawing posters, making a wind turbine, interviews with community members, creating the best energy saving plan, creating a story about energy, posting students feedback.
Oczekiwane rezultaty:
Putting the creativity by imagining a story with original characters created by children Little Light Bulb, Vampirelightbulb and Sunshine, inserting page story in terms of scientific, professional, making suggestive drawings, creating a book with the story, creating a concrete plan saving (the math that shows capacity to anticipate, design), understanding the operation of wind turbines through its creation following the instructions in the manual, intergenerational dialogue, topical in contemporary society, through all these activities pursued placing a student thinking highest level in Solo Taxonomy. Thus operations such as reflection, theorizing, creating, abstraction, generalization belong to the highest level (Abstract).
Little Light Bulb is an energy saving bulb disobedient, who, after going through a mishap in the Forest Wind, began to ask questions about energy. His friend, Sunshine, responds to those questions in a walk through the World of Energy. This opportunity will be valued by students in order to aware their colleagues, parents and community of the importance of energy saving.The idea is creating something lasting, which can permanently be improved and can be used in the future. The energy consumption is the problem of the contemporary society, the education for its rational use being necessary at a young age.
geografia, informatyka/ICT, język i literatura, matematyka/geometria, obywatelstwo, ochrona środowiska, przedmioty w szkole podstawowej, sztuka, teatr
EN - RO - TR
Wiek ucznia:
9 - 12
Proponowane narzędzia:
Audiokonferencja, Dziennik projektu, e-mail , Inne programy (Powerpoint, wideo, zdjęcia i obrazy) , Publikowanie stron www , TwinSpace, Wideokonferencja
Awareness of students, parents and teachers in the energy efficiency Creating an educational software about energy Application of theoretical knowledge about energy Generating solutions for energy efficiency Formulating a concrete plan to reduce energy consumption
Postęp działań:
Creating the logo and the mascot, project presentation to the teachers, students and parents, sharing created badges and the mascot, achieving the wikis sections, mascot -voice contest, guest, drawing posters, making a wind turbine, interviews with community members, creating the best energy saving plan, creating a story about energy, posting students feedback.
Oczekiwane rezultaty:
Putting the creativity by imagining a story with original characters created by children Little Light Bulb, Vampirelightbulb and Sunshine, inserting page story in terms of scientific, professional, making suggestive drawings, creating a book with the story, creating a concrete plan saving (the math that shows capacity to anticipate, design), understanding the operation of wind turbines through its creation following the instructions in the manual, intergenerational dialogue, topical in contemporary society, through all these activities pursued placing a student thinking highest level in Solo Taxonomy. Thus operations such as reflection, theorizing, creating, abstraction, generalization belong to the highest level (Abstract).
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